Saturday 21 January 2017


Numbers and Shapes

We have been continuing with our topic of Numbers and Shapes. This week we collaged our large shapes. The children enjoyed using various construction materials to decorate them and have been looking for the same shapes in class.
The children all enjoyed ball skills on patio for P.E. this week with everyone trying their best throwing, catching and kicking the balls
We are looking at our numbers, matching, sequencing and counting. While doing these activities we are using a variety of resources, practising our pencil control and using the scissors safely.
During Music & Movement they tried out some new moves and had a great time moving to the music.
Also this week we had a special announcement from Rey as he became a big brother to Arles. Many congratulations to the family and I'm sure Rey will be a super Big Brother!

 Collaging our large display shapes

 Cut and stick, putting our numbers in order, 1-10

 Ball skills on patio

 Everyone participates, even fire fighter and nurses!

 Then we started on our number displays

 Finishing off the week with music and movement.

Next week we will be celebrating Chines New Year as the children learn about other cultures and different ways to celebrate New Year. We will be doing lots of activities as we learn, including a Chinese dragon and dancing to the music.
On a more serious note, we will be stopping the blog shortly as due to increased concerns of online safety for the children we have decided it would be best. I am sure you will agree that the children's safety must come first and I will be continuing to send out information on a weekly basis but by email. I will continue on a weekly basis and I thank you for your patience while this new system is put in place.
Happy Weekend to all.


Saturday 14 January 2017

Happy New Year!

The children have all settled really well after the Christmas Holidays and have come to school eager to learn.
We have started our new topic of Numbers and Shapes and this week the children have all been very busy doing activities in class to reinforce their knowledge of basic shapes. (Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, heart and star)You can help your child at home by looking for shapes in your local environment, home and while outside. Using matching activities and shape hunts make it fun while learning at the same time.


Free painting circles and squares

 Cut and stick shapes


 We can find our own names


 Fun with a very big box on patio!

 We got some new dress up awful lot of arrests were made.

 Not only can we find our names, we're trying to write them too!

As you can see we've been having lots of fun in class in between working hard. We are beginning to recognise our names and have been practising our pencil control in preparation for writing them too. Again, you can help your child with this by finding their name in the home in different print, e.g written or typed. Looking at simple story books and finding 'their' letters.
Next week we will also be reviewing our numbers and learning to recognise, sequence and count numbers to 10.
Have a great weekend!