Friday 11 May 2018

Farm Animals

We have come to the end of our mini topic on wild animals. I hope you have all had a chance to see our display featuring all of the children's hard work. They love to look at it and identify their own masterpiece and have the chance to tell mummies and daddies about it.
The children are really trying hard with their pencil control and some of them are even writing their own names without prompts! Please be aware however that it is quite normal for the children to still be practising holding their pencil correctly at this stage, rather than writing recognisable letters or their name. We do practice pencil control in class regularly but it is so important to remember that all of our children have special skills, not always the same ones. 

             A child is like a butterfly in the wind. Some can fly higher...each one is different. Each one is special. Each one is beautiful.
The children also try very hard during their Read Write Inc sessions and you can help your child at home by practising the letter sounds with them. If you need further information on this please let me know.
Each day we are doing math's activities, this can be recognising, matching numbers and counting objects.  Again you can help your child by looking at numbers in your home and counting familiar objects.

Enjoying the interactive whiteboard to count the cakes for the teddy.

We used our large motor skills to practice writing the letters during RWI

We drew around each other on patio using mathematical language, tall/small, long/short

And copied writing our numbers too!

Beginning our mini topic on Farm animals with some woolly sheep

And some cows too!

Then some relaxing time

Next week we will be continuing with our farm animals. We will also be organising our school trip to the farm very soon, I will send emails next week with all the information.

Important Reminders:
As the weather is getting warmer we ask please that children do not bring chocolate or yogurt snack to school as we do not have facilities to keep them cool.
Also with the warm weather could you please check your child's spare clothes bags and put in appropriate clothing in case of accidents in class.

Thank you and have a great weekend.

Miss Jackie

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