Saturday 14 October 2017

Five Senses Continued. Diwali

Five Senses Continued and Diwali

This week we continued with our Five senses. We used our power of Sight to explore our garden area and found lots of interesting things, using the magnifying glasses.

We also began working on prepositions, on top, under, behind etc

The whole school celebrated Diwali....and Nursery had to get in on the act too!
We decorated our clay Diyas for the display and tried out lots of new foods.

One of our parents very kindly donated traditional costumes to our class and the children loved trying them on and dancing to Diwali dances.

Next week we will be doing activities around the sense of smell and taste.
We have been doing lots of listening activities in preparation for learning to recognise the letter sounds. The children have all been doing so well and can recognise so many surprising sounds. This also leads to lots of new language as they learn the names of objects, animals etc in English.
We will be doing Fred Talk games during carpet time, Singing Phonics and instrumental listening games both inside and outside the classroom.
You can help your child by sounding out the letters of familiar objects, e.g. d-o-g, c-a-t and also the letters of their names.
Important reminders: All of our Tapestry accounts should now be activated. If you continue to have problems with this please let me know so that I can get the access codes re-sent to you. Remember these may be in your spam folder and are only usable for 24 hours. Once you have activated your account you can  enter your child's profile at any time. I will be updating the profiles on a regular basis, showing you photographs and learning outcomes for your child. Once you  have the access codes you can share with family members but please remind them that these profiles, and in particular photos should not be used in any social media sites or for any other use other than intended.
I hope you all have a lovely long weekend,
Miss Jackie



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