Sunday 26 November 2017

Brown Bear Brown Bear

Brown Bear Brown Bear

This week in Nursery we have been continuing our topic on Colour with our favourite story
Brown Bear Brown Bear.
We have been busy making all the animals with a selection of paint, collage and other materials to make our own Brown Bear books. Look out for those coming home soon.
Although our topic this month is colour we continue to learn using all of our seven areas of learning. The children are now forming special friendships and making relationships with the other children. We are encouraging good behaviour, reinforcing helping others and being kind to our friends.
We have also been working on our self-help skills where we are encouraging the children to go to the bathroom, put on their socks and shoes and babi's independently. You can help your child by encouraging this at home too.
We do lots of counting games and activities, colour matching, computer skills and are learning to recognise our own name. Most children can find their own name and can recognise the initial letter by sound.
In, on and under, we are learning about prepositions using the coloured bears.
Matching and naming colours

Following and completing a pattern.

Practising our cutting skills while deciding what we would like to get from Santa

Finishing off our Brown Bear books while exploring textures in the paint.
We are all doing so well with our yoga!


We are also attending show practise each day with the rest of KS1 children to learn all of the songs we will be singing, where we will be sitting etc. I have to say our Nursery class have been the best behaved class so far....maybe I'm biased but I'm so proud of them all.
Next week we will be using gross motor movements by using paintbrushes in water to paint large circles and shapes onto the nursery patio wall,  making and following patterns, using our coordination skills to throw the bean bags into the correct numbered hoops and mixing two colours to make new colours, eg, blue + yellow = green and lots more.
What a busy time we have coming up to Christmas!
Important reminders:
I will not be in class this week until Friday as I have been given a Baja for one week, Miss Julia will have another assistant helping her in class, (Miss Nadine) for the time that I am not there. Miss Julia has a copy of the classroom planning so things will go on as normal until my return. If you have any concerns while I am off please speak to Miss Eccleston or Mr Bailey. I can also be reached by email on my school email address.
I will be sending out emails with information about our upcoming Christmas show, if you do not receive this email please let me know as we have a few changes with times etc.
I am happy to see so many costumes already coming in to school and Miss Julia and I will be painting the T-shirts when we have them all collected.
If you are sending grapes as a snack for your child, could you please cut them lengthwise to prevent a choking hazard in class.
The children will be decorating our class Christmas tree very soon, if you have any spare decorations at home we would be delighted to receive them to make our tree special.
Have a great week,
Miss Jackie

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